Simona Ventullo
Simona Ventullo
Simona is an expert in the field of the administrative liability of corporations and legal entities pursuant to the Italian Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001: she has worked on writing several Organizational, Management and Control Models (‘Models’) required by Decree 231, she also conducted activities as (organismo di vigilanza) for major companies, in order to assure the effective and efficient performance of the tasks assigned to it by the Model. Her deep experience on corporate compliance matters also includes representation of Clients in proceedings before the Italian criminal courts for the administrative liability of legal entities pursuant to Decree 231.
Simona’s activity has focused on enterprise crimes and on crimes against the Public Administration, especially in the last few years; but, lawyer since 1993, she has always been interested in business criminal law and in law and economics issue.
From 2003 until 2009 she was Partner of LEAR (Laboratorio di Economia, Antitrust e regolamentazione), working on qualitative analysis related to several cases of anticompetitive agreements and abuse of dominant market position. She also disegned and organised with LEAR a series of international conferences on the subject of antitrust and regulation, with the participation of Nobel award winners and the publication of the conference papers from MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Cambridge.
Simona holds the Italian Law Degree, obtained maxima cum laude, at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome, she also received a master of Master of European Politics and Policies. She is a member of the Rome Bar Association.
She speaks English and Spanish.