Penal Law
We have developed an expertise in Corporate Criminal Law, specifically with regards to:
- Corporate and Financial Crimes;
- Tax Crimes (including issues related to the “fiscal agreement”, tax avoidance, transfer pricing, black list);
- Bankruptcy;
- Crimes against the Public Administration (specifically corruption, extortion, blackmail);
- Crimes against Public Entities, including money-laundering and abuse of public positions;
- Environmental Crimes;
- Criminal Acts due to the violation of safety norms in the workplace;
Our firm has significant experience with penal procedures having assisted several clients brought to criminal trial.
Regarding fiscal crimes, we provide legal assistance in all criminal procedural phases, including initial verifications, access, fiscal inspection, controls, interviews, drafting of defense papers, self-defense procedures, complaints, mediation, conciliation, and fiscal transactions.
In the area of fiscal crimes, Napolitano Law Firm provides legal assistance in all phases of the criminal procedure, including initial diligence, discovery, fiscal inspection, and later, controls, including interviews, drafting of defense papers, self-defense procedures, complaints, mediation, conciliation, and fiscal transactions.